
‘Stop robbing the public’: Massachusetts gas station owner stops selling gas amid soaring prices

'Stop robbing the public': Massachusetts gas station owner stops selling gas amid soaring prices thumbnail

A Massachusetts gas station owner has stopped selling gas to protest soaring prices he says are “robbing the public.”

Ren’s Mobil owner Reynold Gladu told Western Mass News he is taking a stand against rising gas prices by putting an “out of gas” sign on the door of the Amherst gas station.

“It’s hard enough for people to put groceries on their table after working in the factory or wherever they work for 30-40 hours a week and not be able to put gas in their car and get to work. I don’t want to be part of that,” Gladu told the outlet.

As of Friday morning, the national average for gas across America was $4.986, according to AAA. The average has increased by 12 cents since Monday.

Gladu said he will try to keep the doors open as long as he can and will start selling gas again when gas companies “stop robbing the public.”

He is still offering oil changes and repairs but understands he will probably not be able to stay open without selling gas, the Daily Hampshire Gazette reported.

“A lot of people are stopping by to offer me their condolences, but I actually feel sorry for them because some of them have been my customers for close to 50 years,” Gladu told the outlet.

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