
The Anthony Bourdain Mystery

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Why did the chef and traveler kill himself? The documentary Roadrunner: A Film about Anthony Bourdain suggests a less than satisfying answer.

Anthony Bourdain’s brand was passion: Galloping around the globe in search of extreme food and intense experiences suitable for television, he segued into a role as a lover of humanity, especially its poorest and least-attended-to members.

Then came June 8, 2018. What happened? “Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride,” he once said. How could a man joyously dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life discard his own?

The documentary Roadrunner: A Film about Anthony Bourdain, by the Oscar winner Morgan Neville (who won for 2014’s 20 Feet from Stardom) attempts to answer that question …

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