Reliance Industries on Thursday broke into the global list of top 50 most valued companies with a market capitalisation of over Rs 13 trillion. While the RIL’s share price has been rising on the back of massive fundraising in recent months, which has strengthened its fundamentals, the same cannot be said for the broader market.
Business Standard opinion pieces for the day talk about the stock market among other issues
Since there is significant uncertainty about economic recovery, higher levels in the stock market would become increasingly risky, particularly for the retail investors, as stock prices are not being supported by fundamentals, argues our lead editorial
The perils of dynastic succession are never more starkly evident than in the decline and fall of India’s oldest political party.
It is a lesson India’s family-owned giants would do well to heed now, notes our second editorial
The twin balance sheet problem is poised to get a lot worse consequent to the pandemic, writes T T Ram Mohan
Calls for self-reliance shouldn’t come in the way of India’s trade & investment negotiations with the EU, writes Pralok Gupta and Rupa Chanda
“Currently there is no proposal for debt monetisation on the table. Questions on fiscal position and debt monetisation plan should be asked after 3-4 months.”
Economic Affairs Secretary Tarun Bajaj