A recent survey from Deloitte that collated data from 1,280 senior finance executives in 10 locations across the world produced interesting results regarding the blockchain industry. This survey is Deloitte’s fourth annual Global Blockchain Survey, which focuses on the financial services industry (FSI). Findings from the survey show that there is a need for the industry to turn towards product modernization and distribution in order to see economic growth.
When polled, 76% of the 1,280 respondents said they believed that the end of physical money is near. And that digital assets were set to replace fiat currencies in the next five to 10 years. This will obviously have a significant impact on the financial services industry, but the respondents remained optimistic about the revenue potential of both blockchain and crypto, and digital currencies.
“The Deloitte ‘Global Blockchain Survey’ shows that the foundation of banking has been fundamentally outlived and financial services industry players must redefine themselves and find innovative ways to create economic growth in the future of money.” – Linda Paw-czuk, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP, and global and U.S. blockchain and digital assets leader
Blockchain Is Already Mainstream, Says Survey
The survey also showed that the majority – nearly 80% – of global FSI leaders believed that digital assets are going to be very/somewhat important to their various industries in the next two years. They also see both digital assets and blockchain technologies as a strategic priority now and in the future.
73% of respondents admitted that a recurring fear was that their various organizations would lose competitive advantage if they failed to adopt digital assets and blockchain technology. Findings also showed that 81% of respondents agreed that blockchain technology is highly scalable, and according to them, has already achieved mainstream adoption.
The world is no doubt headed towards a completely digital world. Things like paper currencies are likely to be obsolete in the near future. Hence, financial services industries need to shift to new business models for revenue generation. Digital assets will be used to simplify payments. And 43% of respondents said that these new payment options represent a “very important” role for digital assets.
Richard Walker, a principal at Deloitte Consulting LLP and U.S. financial services industry blockchain leader, had some thoughts on this. “As digital asset disruption rapidly changes the marketplace, global financial services are striving to reinvent themselves, creating businesses to generate new sources of revenue.” Walker went on to add, “Opportunities for real change in several areas of the global financial markets exist for those players that explore new ways to harness the power of blockchain technology and digital assets to reimagine their business modes.”